Promotions: How To Draw Attention To Your Product

To stay afloat, a business must constantly look for ways to attract new customers, and one of the tools to achieve this goal is promotions. A properly conducted event will increase sales, attract new customers and increase the loyalty of those who already know about the company.

However, it is not enough just to give discounts or gifts. A Digital marketing company in surat should take into account the target audience of the business, be beneficial to the client and, in principle, interesting to him. We will tell you how to achieve this in our article.

What is a promotion

An advertising campaign is understood as a number of measures used specifically in order to activate the consumer, push them to make more purchases.

What does advertising include? This is the widest possible dissemination of information about the company, its product, ideas, about its activities in general. For this, any means are used, the task is to interest the widest possible audience, to contribute to the active promotion and successful sale of the company’s goods and services.

Of course, they require some costs, but not as huge as is often thought. It is possible to prepare a completely effective campaign with a small budget (and, if necessary, more than one).

As an example, we can cite the advertising events organized by KOYA to promote the Doshirak trademark. An interesting move was invented: to invite people to buy promotional goods, find a special code in the packages and register it (in any convenient way: by SMS, through a website or call center). You can send as many codes as you like, and they all participate in the prize drawing. You could win a certain amount of money (it was transferred to your phone account), a camera and large prizes like a scooter and a car.

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Purposes of promotions

Practice shows that the so-called indirect marketing is much more effective than the usual advertising. And if you get down to business wisely, you can quickly attract buyers’ attention to your company and product.

But in order for the planned activities to be effective, you should competently think over the plan of the advertising campaign. Otherwise, you will not just waste your money, but even run the risk of losing money if, for example, you bet on discounts.

If we talk about goals, we distinguish between short-term and long-term. The short term means rapid growth in sales, revenue and profits. Long-term means the development of regular customers, an increase in interest in the company and the brand in the future. Remember that it is important to consider both goals of promotions when organizing them.

There are very specific marketing laws, according to which the goal should be as realistic, concretized, measurable, ambitious and have a precise time frame. Assess the general state of affairs in the company, the level of sales, authority in the market and, based on this, determine which of the tasks will be in priority.

Then use promotions to achieve your main goals, investing in it, of course, some funds. For example, if you find that very few of your customers are becoming repeat customers, focus on repeat sales and building loyalty.

Another approach makes sense, namely: further strengthening the indicators that you already have good enough.

Pros and cons of running promotions

Advertising campaigns are carried out by most of the companies, from giant concerns to small firms and small retail outlets.

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1. Gamify your promotions

That is, connect the elements of the game and, using emotions, involve the audience in the process.

This idea is great for social media. For example, on VKontakte, you can add a certain number of points for likes and comments, and then give gifts to those who are most active.

A concrete example of a gamified advertising campaign is the online game by Sberbank called Thank You Mania. Participants register, perform some actions, earn “thank you” bonuses during the game and accumulate them on a special account.

Keep in mind that to implement such a promotion you will need an independent web site.

Another option for an online game: participants roll a virtual die. One throw gives a guaranteed 500 rupees, and for the next three, subject to the specified number of points, you can get a serious prize (but you may not get it if there are not enough points).

There are a lot of gamified ways to conduct promotions. These are special online polls, various exciting quests (with getting into the standings), where the winners receive discounts on purchases and other pleasant bonuses.

1. Promotion according to the principle “Come with a friend – buy cheaper”
2. Let everyone who brings a new customer with him get a discount (give it to this new customer too, so you will quickly “make friends” with him).

Offer promotional terms that fit well with your particular business. A simple example: the Forsage driving school has launched a three-month project “Bring a friend”, in which training costs each participant 1,000 rupees less. The maneuver is excellent, because the client receives a clearly agreed amount as savings, and not vague bonuses.

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The online booking aggregator “Booking” operates according to the same principle, transferring 1,000 rupees to everyone who invited a new client.All kinds of gifts

That is, within the framework of the promotion, gifts are awarded if certain conditions are met. This is the well-known move “two goods for the price of one”. Or, for example, every seventh visit to the fitness club is free. The number of classes is marked in a special card for the client, and, having come for the seventh time, he does not pay.

Another option: a visitor receives a cup of coffee as a gift if he subscribes to the coffee shop page on Instagram, takes a photo in it and posts it, adding the necessary hashtag. These promotions are very useful and require a minimum of expenses.

1. Competitive activities

Competitive promotions make a company or brand more recognizable. These can be events that are not related to a specific product (or service), or vice versa, such when you need to make a purchase to participate.

For example, to popularize its own brand and increase loyalty to it, the company came up with the following move: in order to become a participant in the competitive drawing, a client must post on Instagram a photo in front of one of the auto complexes (you can take a selfie) and add the necessary hashtag.

Or an example with the online store “Rive Gauche”: the owners announced a photography contest on the theme “My Best Vacation”. The winner received a beautiful suitcase as a prize.

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