4 Best Ways to Defend Your WordPress Website

Create a WordPress site is not an easy as you think. For this, you necessity to invest your effort, time, and money. The most worrying thing is that when you get your website live, that point you get some random attacks from nasty hackers. Internet works that way. However, you should not stop your website to launch on the digital world. Actually, if you follow our tips and tricks mention below, you can stop attack on your WordPress website from hackers. Let’s check it out.

1. Buy a Secure Hosting

Did you know that fact, only in 2019; with a security penetrability of hosting server 41 percent of WordPress websites were hacked. Actually, each year hosting providers are responsible for a huge amount of blog/websites entity hacked. From this, it is apparent that you should not buy a hosting with any cheapest plans. In fact, for being safe from hackers you should buy hosting from trust worthy sources, which are not provide hosting at cheap price. Whenever you buy hosting service, always check some point before they offers: DDoS protection, Server-level firewalls, Backups, Malware scanning, 24/7 support.

At the same time, make sure that you don’t buy shared hosting plans for your websites. The disadvantage of shared hosting is that you face the security risk and a slow website loading speed and performance. Instead, you should go to buy a dedicated hosting plan.

2 Limit login attempts

There is a easy and impressive way to secure your WordPress website to use limited failed login attempts to stop hackers attack. WordPress by default gives users too many chances to login into your blog/website, however, hackers use this weak point and attempts many various password combinations to get access into your blog/website in a few minutes. However, if you set a limit for those who use incorrect passwords on you login, you can simply block hackers attack. If you don’t know how to set up limit login attempts, in that case, you can hire professional WordPress web development company. Therewith, you also block IPs of unauthorized logins attempts permanently, and change your blog/website passwords regularly to be safe from hackers.

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3. Watch carefully plugins and themes

Besides this, you should stop using a free plugins or themes for you WordPress blog/website. However, if you have limited budget and can’t able to buy premium plugins and themes, in that case, you can use plugins and themes created by trusted sources. Moreover, you should regularly keep update you plugins and themes to avoid safety vulnerabilities and bugs. You may not know this fact that free themes and plugins are fill with security weakness that makes easy way for hackers to attack your blog/website. As per the report, because of not buying plugins, around 56 percent of WordPress sites are compromised site security. Other crucial thing is that you should keep update your plugins and themes regularly, and you should remove non-use plugins.

4. Don’t use “Admin” as your username

That is the reason you are always utilizing an admin username for login into your blog and website. WordPress used by default “admin” username for your blog/website, and website owners don’t even take tension or try to change the default username. We are aware of that and hackers also. Actually, all cybercriminals’ first choice of use “admin” as a username for login into your blog/website. And, using admin as your login username, make it easier for hackers to login into your page. Hackers have to just conjecture the password to raid into your blog/website. The solution to this problem is very simple and easy, you have to change the website’s default username. Always, choose a strong password for your blog/site, which is not simple to guess by someone. It is strongly advised, you should avoid using a similar password that you use for other website resources like Gmail, Facebook, etc.

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For the content management method, WordPress is the most extremely famous, that is 41 percent of the internet and that is why it’s become an easy target for hackers. Nevertheless, you don’t need to worry about it. You can secure your blog/site from hackers if you follow our tips that mention in the article. With these useful tips, you can also use more tips like changing your website to HTTPS and SSL, install a firewall, disable trackbacks, use 2-factor authentication, keep a backup, change the admin login path, etc. These all mention tips and tricks above are very useful and helpful for WordPress websites. That is the easiest way to secure your blog or website from hackers, who always try to hack your website. If you are looking for free guest posts for WordPress Website Design and Development-related content. Get today free guest posts for your WordPress-related content.

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